Dog Bites

Experienced Denton dog bite attorney

dog bite dog attack lawyer

The most common cause of dog bites is negligence by the owner. Neglect and mistreatment can lead to dogs becoming a real threat to others. Dog bite cases require specialized knowledge and sadly most victims are children. Sometimes the owner does not know the dog is dangerous or knows that the dog is dangerous but does not do anything about it. Dog bites can range from small punctures, scrapes and bruising to serious deformity or even death.

The most important thing to do after a dog bite is to record the event. Immediately contact the police and animal control to create a report. If you are seriously injured call 911 for emergency assistance. Most dog owners will be reluctant to cooperate because they know that the dog may be euthanized.

If you or a family member is injured as a result of an animal attack, where do you turn? 

Contact the Law of Office of Howard E. Watt P.C. today! We can prove the true cause of an attack by using facts about the dog's health, confinement and training. We can help you by obtaining any records of the attack, initiating an insurance claim with the dog owner’s insurance, contacting witnesses, and opening a lawsuit if necessary.

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